Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jatuh Sakit...


Lama tidak rasa demam, batuk2 dan flu..Sejuk tapi panas. Jangan2 kena H1N1?? Ah..x la..palis2 la..lepas telan 2 biji Leton 500, sa rasa beransur baik..Nda tau la malam ni camna..mungkin datang lagi balik sejuk-panas tu.. Apa yg meniyedihkan saya ialah betapa sengsaranya hidup di perantauan. Kalaulah saya di kampung sekarang sudah tentu ibu bapa akan berada di sisi menjaga saya..
Rasa macam mau menangis pun ada bila disaat-saat saya sakit tiada siapa datang menjaga. Semuanya kena atur sendiri. Nasib ada adik..tapi adik pun bukan mampu menjaga sepanjang masa. Dia pun ada kerja sendiri juga..
Apapun, saya harus kuatkan diri dan harus berdikari agar saya mampu melalui apapun cabaran dalam hidup saya..Kalau setakat sakit demam ni, apa la sangat...telan ubat aja la kan?
kebetulan pada hari saya sakit ni, sahabat baik saya yg berkerja di kuala lumpur telah ditimpa kemalangan menyebabkan dia terpaksa menjalani pembedahan untuk membuang darah beku di dadanya akibat terhentak di stereng kereta. harap2 dia selamat..kasian dia..sudahlah dia ni anak yatim,jauh dari saudara mara pula tu. Nasib baik dia ada kakak angkat dan rakan2 yang datang beri semangat kepada dia.. Semoga dia selamat...AMIN...

Monday, July 20, 2009

Evanescence » Missing Lyrics


Please, please forgive me,
but i won't be home again.
maybe someday you'll have woke up,
and, barely conscious, you'll say to no one:
"isn't something missing?"

you won't cry for my absence, i know -
you forgot me long ago.
am i that unimportant...?
am i so insignificant...?
isn't something missing?
isn't someone missing me?

even though i'd be sacrificed,
you won't try for me, not now.
though i'd die to know you love me,
i'm all alone.
isn't someone missing me?

please, please forgive me,
but i won't be home again.
i know what you do to yourself,
shudder deep and cry out:
"isn't something missing?
isn't someone missing me?"


and if i bleed, i'll bleed,
knowing you don't care.
and if i sleep just to dream of you
and wake without you there,
isn't something missing?
isn't something...

A part of my life is missing


Today's post is about my sadness for being left by my friends. It's not that i was dumped by them..it's just..they leaving me for working.. I felt sad not bcoz of i dont have other friend but they are so good to me that i can't even want to be apart.

But, i do understand that friendship will not vanished just by that. It will getting stronger day by day and growing bigger. I hope they'll succeed in their work and happy always.

Friday, July 17, 2009

SeMaNGat PaDi


Fatin Jamal Sulai, salah seorang pelajar tahun akhir ASWARA telah dipilih sebagai finalis dalam Festival Filem Pendek. Hasil karyanya mengisahkan tentang semangat padi di kalangan masyarakat suku kaum dusunkadazan dan penggambarannya dijalankan di sekitar Sabah yang mana melibatkan daerah Kota Belud dan Tuaran. Kesemua pelakon yang membintangi filem pendek ini juga terdiri daripada karyawan seni di Sabah.


Lawak laa..... HAHAHAHAHA....


Mau tau apa yg lawak?? ha..cuba tgk video nih...walaupun ianya mirip dengan konsep "Who's line is it anyway?" tapi ia masih mampu membuatkan saya ketawa sorang2.. (kalau tdk ketawa pun, senyum aja la...hehe..). Selamat menonton...


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Something's GoOD HappENniNG to me ReCEnTLy


I've Lost my word.. I feel so blessed recently.. You must be wondering why and what had happen to me. Well, a few days ago, i was worried about my future n everything's seems to be so worthless. I can't find a way out from my problems and worried even on a small matter.

But, when all the clouds seems to be clear now, i realized that God is watching over me n fulfilled all i need. I'm not a good religious person but it change my point of a bit by bit. Hopefully u guys had a great day n great things in ur life. GOD is GOOD, all the time..

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Stupid people making a stupid thing!!!!


Dalam kesibukan org belajar IT, dan ada la kononya yg suda tau sikit2 (mcm saya) ni, ada juga org yg sibuk2 membikin web or blog yg ndak ketentuan.. It was happened a few weeks ago. My sister rushed to me and told me that my photos and others sabahan gals photos was being published in to a blog of authorized by unknown.

The blog was been created early of june 2009 (bbrpa hari slps blog saya dibikin). Well, dipendekkan cerita, capat2 la saya buka site tu and there u goooo... It's hard to think about the purpose of that blog. For me, it's like the author was a 'bapak ayam' and trying to sell sabahan aweks to the world. There he put all of our photos with the name on the top of it. Dipilihnya ba pulak pic yg sexy2.. ada juga yg tdk sexy sgt tp dia taruk gak.. What a stupid person is he/she?? Until now, i'm still wondering what is he/she up to.
(gambar hiasan aja...)

Sometime my feeling tells me that the person is active in facebook and he/she is someone i know. In i'm so sorry that i feel it till now. If it was right then, i'll be so sad n never put a trust to anybody anymore.

Anyhow, the blog was gone n being removed by my fren and i feel so glad about it. It's just... what is wrong with that people??? doesn't he/she got anything else to do? Is he/she smart enough to do such thing?? God Bless and forgive that person. Hopefully it wouldn't happen again.

Bye bye for now.

About Me

My photo
I am spirit, I am voice I am memory, not recalled I am chance, I am cause I am effort, blocked and walled I am hymn, I am heard I am reasoned without rhymes I am past, I am nearing I am present in all times I am many, I am no one I am seasoned by each being I am me, I am you I am all-souls now decreeing


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